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What to expect when getting your first tattoo

I am sure that many of you have wondered what it would be like to get a tattoo. I know that I had always wondered and ever since the age of 15, I was interested in getting inked. But I wanted to make sure that I got a tattoo that really meant something to me and one that I wouldn’t turn around and regret in 10 years. I am very relieved that I waited, as my ideas included stars and more stars at the young age of 15. Phew, at least that mistake was not made. After countless years of watching Ink Master and searching for hundreds upon hundreds of tattoo designs on Pinterest, I decided that I would get a tattoo in 2017. After some intense soul searching and personal growth, I decided to get my very first tattoo on 30 September 2017. I had no idea what to expect – seeing someone get tattooed on TV is completely different from experiencing it in real life. I decided on a design, researched a great tattoo artist and booked my appointment. And that’s when the anxiety set in accompa

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