How to be positive and kick negativity’s ass

So many people tend to live their lives filled with negative thoughts waiting for the worst possible outcome to happen. The situation may not even be that big of an issue, but because of your thoughts, your immediate reaction is to look to the most negative end result. Ultimately weighing you down and resulting in a complete negative experience. I was one of those people until recently and I can relate to it on many levels. Your brain has slowly been trained to jump to the negative instead of alternatively seeing the positive. This constant negativity consumes your entire life. You will constantly feel uneasy and unhappy yet you won’t be able to pin point what the exact cause is. That is what negativity does to us. It forces us to carry around this heavy draining weight on our souls which doesn’t allow for us to ever truly be happy.

Take it from me. I was genuinely so unhappy and I exuded negative energy. No matter what happened, I would never actually be happy. There was no bright side to anything that happened to me. I could not find peace and nothing brought me joy. I felt like I was being consumed by my “horrible life” and that I was suffocating in a hole of darkness and despair. My relationships with my partner, my best friend, and my family were pushed to the breaking point. I had so many great things in my life but I could not appreciate it. All I could think about was the things I didn’t have and the next negative obsession. I allowed my past to influence my present. I was surrounded by negative situations so I would expect the worst in everything. What a bleak outlook on life.

So what now? I have trained my brain to see the negative, how can I change my attitude? Well there are many exercises that you can do each day which will change not only your perception of situations that occur every day but also your life. I did these simple exercises and I can truly say that I am now on the path to a complete positive mindset and I have never felt happier.

  • Realise that happiness is your choice. It is so important for you to come to the realisation that happiness doesn’t happen to you, you choose to be happy. Decide today that you are going to be happy from this moment on. And be happy!
  • Smile. Yes, seriously, smile. Smiling can instantly change your mood. No matter how bad you are feeling, by smiling you are given an immediate boost of happiness.
  • Do 5 minutes of positive affirmations each day. Allocate 5 minutes in the morning to positive affirmations where you repeat a positive affirmation over and over for the whole 5 minutes. It is important to not be distracted and to be in the moment while repeating your affirmations out loud to yourself with confidence and utmost belief in yourself. I suggest that you use an affirmation that includes no negative associated words within the phrase. Our brains unfortunately will throw out these words and your sub conscious will therefore be absorbing the incorrect affirmation. So instead of saying “I am not poor” for example, say “I am a millionaire”. The point of an affirmation is to get your subconscious to believe what you are telling it therefore giving you the belief that you will achieve your goal and affirmation.
  • Become self-aware and stop your negative thoughts. I love this exercise. Throughout your day you need to become aware of your thoughts. When a negative thought starts to creep into your mind, just say “NO!” and change that thought into a positive one. The more you realise and become aware of your negative thoughts, the less of them you will have.
  • Make a list of what you are grateful for. Write a list of the top 10 things that you are grateful for. Stick the list in a visible place and read it daily. When you are feeling down, look at the list and you will feel appreciative of what you have.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. It is so important to surround yourself with friends that bring out the best in you. People who are negative tend to suck the life out of the people around them. Don’t let other people bring you down.
  • Let shit go. Most importantly for me was to let the past go. I used two methods to do this. I meditated and imagined that there was no past and no future, and all that I had was the “now”. And in the “now” I was at peace and happy and I no longer had past pain holding me down. After meditating, I decided to secondly just let it go. It sounds so simple, but it really works. You just make the choice to no longer hold onto any past negative thoughts and feelings, and you just let it all go.
  • Forgive yourself. Accept that you let yourself go down a negative path and then forgive yourself. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Choose to forgive yourself for anything that is weighing you down and move forward.

There are many other exercises that can get you to where you want to be. These are my recommended tips but I encourage you to explore as many as you like to fully reach your goal.

Remember that it is so important to think in a positive light. One positive thought can change your whole day. If you can shift your focus to the positive, you can resolve any bad situation and achieve a positive outcome. Always remember that you are strong enough to overcome any negative situation and no matter what happens you can always pick yourself up.

Life is unexpected and negative situations are inevitable and tend to be out of your control, but your reactions to those situations are yours to control. You can choose to let negativity ruin your day or choose to be positive and move forward in a constructive way. Changing your negative thoughts into positive ones is a process but you will feel lighter and embrace happiness even in the smallest of things. Take one day at a time and grow your positive thoughts and you will soon see that life is a beautiful journey and challenges make us who we are.

Stay happy, all my love 
Kris xx

Grow Positive Thoughts Always xx


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